Metal playgrounds

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We also produce special metal playgrounds under a separate brand, Inter-play. These are high-quality products with a distinctive, original and highly practical design.



Our playground equipment and sets are made of galvanized and powder-coated steel, making them long-lasting and zero-maintenance.
Inter-play playgrounds offer options for any public or private space, such as city parks, schools, preschools, neighborhood parks, sports and recreational facilities, and backyards..

Stainless LIMAKO

Our LIMAKO line is made of high-quality, long-lasting stainless steel. We take children’s safety and enjoyment seriously and make it our top priority, which is why all our playground equipment is certified and meets CSN EN 1176, the technical standard for playgrounds.

Celokovové dětské hřiště, skluzavka, houpačka, točítkoCelokovové dětské hřiště, skluzavka, houpačka, točítkoCelokovové dětské hřiště, skluzavka, houpačka, točítkoCelokovové dětské hřiště, skluzavka, houpačka, točítko


We make a line of accessible playground equipment called SPECIAL. These sets and equipment are designed for children with various levels of disabilities to use, play and develop their motor skills. Our SPECIAL playgrounds are suitable for everybody, with or without physical disabilities, and even allow children and parents to play together.

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You can view our whole catalogue here.

For more information about our metal playgrounds, please see